So we departed from the airport. I saw no celebrities while I was at the airport, which leads me to believe that I have some kind of curse placed on my head. When I was in California in October, I saw no one (if you don't count the actors from Wicked; the guy that played Steve on Married With Children was in it). I was there for 9 days. WTF?! They are all hiding. They must know I'm crazy. They've probably actually got Danny locked up in a bomb shelter somewhere in Europe until they know I'll be millions of miles away from Cali. *sadface*
While we were on the road, talking ensued. Lots of talking. I normally am not that talkative, unless I'm with my mom or something. I just like to annoy her. But as I said before, it was like I'd known May for ages. Speaking of good ol' mom, I had to call her to tell her that I hadn't been abducted by rapist werewolves or something.
We passed two notable things that I can remember: The Staples Center, which is where MJ's memorial service was held. It was crazy because not even 2 weeks before that I was watching that from my tiny laptop screen in the cluttered abyss that is my bedroom. And then we passed this HUGE Harry Potter ad on a building. Snape was on it. He was bringing the sexy like a mofo. I love that he looks like an older version of Trent Reznor. Alan Rickman is another man in my exclusive "Age 50+ Men That I'd Have 'Relations' With Every Day and Twice on Sunday!" I kind of sacrificed my Harry Potter viewing to go to Cali (which was worth it!). I hope to see it soon. Sometimes it sucks to only have friends that live 3753277 hours away. Oh well, whatever, nevermind.
I got to see May's office and meet her dad. Her parents are very awesome and adorable. Her dad makes some seriously amazing jewelry, which I need to tell my aunt about soon. She's been working in the JC Penney jewelry department for...a very long time. I assume she'd be interested.
After taking a quick pee break (unnecessary detail?), we set off to explore! I should have been tired at this point, but I was full of piss and vinegar (well, technically just vinegar, since the piss had just been expelled) and ready to PAR-TAYYY!
I'd never seen more jewelry stores in my life. Also, for the first time in my life, I ate at El Pollo Loco. Which, of course, translates to "The Crazy Chicken." That's my kind of place right there! The chicken burrito I ordered was ginormous and delicious. I'm rather sad that we don't have that here. One more reason for me to GTFO and go live there.
You know what else I did? Rode the freaking subway! Yeah, yeah, big deal. But it was to me! I'd only seen them in the movies! I live such a sheltered life, and that was made about as obvious as a giant wart on someone's face, but my sheltered, easily amused self enjoyed it immensely. I saved my tickets.
Wandering around Hollywood Blvd was quite an adventure. I spent much time looking at the ground, but not for the same reasons I usually do. I was looking at the stars, trying to find names of people I adore or people I could directly relate to Danny in some way. Yes, I am a nerd. I saw Pee-Wee Herman's star. The picture is regrettably still on my phone. Same with Ozzy Osbourne's. Ozzy's been an idol of mine since I was a young metalhead fresh out of seventh grade. *nostalgia*

Apparently some guys were checking me out at one point. That never happens, so I'm reluctant to believe that it's any different in another part of the country. I told May I was going to look up the phrase that was used, but I don't remember what it was. Goldfish memory, of course. I also don't remember what they looked like. I'm surprised I even remember enough to write these blogs! I'm the world's youngest Alzheimer's sufferer, I swear.
May took me to this awesome bar called the Velvet Margarita. And when I say awesome, it's an understatement. The decor was GORGEOUS. I was looking up reviews last night and someone said it was like being in a Tim Burton movie. My kind of place indeed, heh heh heh. I met a couple of her friends who worked there. May, if you're reading this, you seriously do have cute friends.
If I may digress for a second: THERE ARE QUITE A FEW CUTE GUYS IN LA!!! ARGH!! This is extremely frustrating when you live in a shithole filled with redneck, conservative types whom you'd never get along with in a million years. The most attractive person is the one with all their hair and teeth who DOESN'T listen to country music and watch NASCAR. I'm not even sure if such a person exists, unless you count the emos and wannabe gangstas that are around my age. Which I don't, because I tend to gravitate toward older men. Much older...*cough* Yes, Freud would have a field day with me, I know. Anyway, enough ranting.
Eventually we (and by that I mean us and her parents) went back to May's house. I don't mean to be mean with this, but she had a sick turtle that looked straight out of Star Wars. It was cool, but sad.
While we waited for dinner and for Cathy to show up, we watched some special features on the Edward Scissorhands DVD which showed Danny looking like the cutest nerd of all time and *gag* his ex-girlfriend. One day, when I get a time machine...oh, don't get me started on that speech again. That digression might take about 10 different blog posts.
We watched a Jeff Goldblum movie that I'd been dying to see, and I was not disappointed. Another one of May's friends came over. She, naturally, was cool. We talked a bit and watched Ah-nold make an ass of himself in Rio. Funniest shit I'd ever seen, and I actually like Ah-nold. Maybe I wouldn't if I lived in Cali, but..."It's not a toomah!" That's all I'm saying.
Cathy showed up and it was good times. Dinner was authentic Spanish food, which I'd never had in my life. LOVED IT. I miss it, actually. Again, I'm back to my lack of food diet, which is doing my head in as far as brain power is concerned. My writing is going to suffer. I think it is already. Damn.

Seriously, though. Look at him. He should be everyone's favorite subject. Period. Exclamation point. Whatever.
We discussed many things, from the fact that Danny has been Elton John-ing recently and...Geisha-ing?! You had to be there. A week later and that still cracks me up. And training he may or may not have had. Oh, and his hair. Yeah, all kinds of good stuff. I love him.
Fastforward to bedtime. I was crashing at Cathy's mom's place and got a delightful surprise. A

Let's hope he never reads this. The last thing he needs is to know that a certain creepy redheaded girl is madly in love with him. Ignorance is bliss indeed.
So, I digress again.
We went to sleep, because the next day was going to be EPIC. The end.
Hopefully the next part is coming tomorrow. I've noticed that the 'A' is fading from my keyboard and that disturbs me.