I'm talking, of course, about my haircut. My hair used to be on the longer side, thick, bushy, and horrid. I've despised it for months now, wishing the haircut fairy would come during the night and take away my misery. To my great dismay, the chance of that happening is about as slim as Danny showing up to my house and declaring that one wife isn't enough and proposing to me on the spot. Yeah, ain't gonna happen.

So aside from feeling totally badass, I've got a raging obsession with J-Rock right now. Mainly Dir en grey, X Japan, The Pillows, and Gackt. I
loved it before, as I think Japanese is the most beautiful language ever and those singers have gorgeous voices, but the passion has really been kicked into overdrive. Also, I'm very fascinated with the visual kei movement. Japanese men are brilliant at being pretty fo' sho! I have a feeling I'll be using a lot of J-Rock as the soundtrack for

Speaking of my trip, I'm wetting 'em right now. And by that I mean pissing my pants. Just a few more days now, and I'm flying out to California. Alone, with the exception of my mental illness as a travel companion. Holy spaz attack, Batman! LAWDY HELP MEH! I feel like I've got millions of things to do. So goes the life of a procrastinator...
PS: Bachelor Party is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Tom Hanks + Oingo Boingo + total chaos = classic 80's goodness. Why did I miss it?! Somebody bulid me a time machine. Seriously. I'll love you forever. I'll sacrifice my first born. I'll wear a pink leotard! *shudders* Never mind. No one wants to see that. If you do, I question your mental stability. Insanity is a great thing, but NOT when it involves pink leotards and me in them. It's wrong. WRONG.
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