Thursday, July 9, 2009

SyFy Does Sound Like A Venereal Disease, Doesn't It?

I'll answer my own question. Yes, it does. Not only does it sound like a pet name for "syphilis," it also will probably add to the growing problem of horrible spellers. It looks like 1337spe4k. OMGZ, WE IZ HAXXORZ!!!1
I already had a beef with that channel for canceling the supreme genius that is Mystery Science Theater 3000. Never seen it? I suggest you do so. Now. It's quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen next to myself attempting to solve algebraic equations. That's absolutely hilarious.
Now I turn on the TV and see wrestling there. I wanna see science fiction-y things, dammit! If it's not Terminator Vs. Robocop or Alien Vs. Predator doin' the wrasselin', then get it off the damn channel. And I don't care to see their lame original movies either. I think I'd rather watch Manos: The Hands Of Fate un-MSTed than sit through some rubbish with Ice Spiders or SuperSquids for antagonists. Now, if Al Gore decides to make a movie about ManBearPig, and it airs there, then I might be down. EXCELSIOR!
I'm tired and don't have enough energy to rant on this fully. I'm sure you're devastated. But the bottom line is that I've lost faith in television, period. Every channel I used to love sucks. Cartoon Network sucks. Nickelodeon sucks. MTV has sucked for faaaaaaar too long. The soap operas I used to never miss...well, I miss 'em all the time because the writers must have been thrown into thinking jail or something. I've written more compelling fanfiction when I was twelve.
The only show I want to watch on TV most of the time is Countdown With Keith Olbermann. It's funny, intelligent, informative, and hey, Keith's a cutie. We also share a common enemy in Loofah Boy, AKA Billo the Clown, AKA Falafel Man. So that's fun.
I'm normally watching anything else online because most of the time I have to.
I think I will be compiling a list of TV shows I miss one of these days. Or not, because I might cry. Nobody wants to see that. Really, you don't.


  1. Mom.. I.. have Syfy....

    LOL, what a great VD pet name. Aw.

    And I was also gonna say, I accidentally hit this follow button thing twice, so it looks like there's two different people following you that are really just me.


  2. LOL, I was just wondering about that. Thanks for letting me know. :)
