Saturday, June 20, 2009

Exit Teenage Years, Enter...Oh, Crap.

Today is my 20th birthday. A perfect excuse to start blogging again, methinks. That, and the irritating insomnia currently plaguing my entire body. Usually I have no problem sleeping excessively. In fact, I'd call myself a professional. All the excitement is getting to me, I guess. The excitement of what, exactly? Doing normal things instead of having a huge party featuring stripteases by my drunken uncle?* Leaving those wretched teenage years behind as I look toward something better and less...psychotic?

It could be that. Possibly. Or it could be the news I received yesterday involving a certain trip to somewhere that I've been dying to go back to since I left last October.

The trip would involve solitude in a crowd of strangers. In other words, I'd be staring my worst fear and my mental illness in the face. Blatantly.

A damn near cross country bus trip. The only bus I've ever been on is a school bus. For about twenty minutes at a time. Not two days.

My gut tells me to do it. I have reassurance that it is possible. So why not?

My illness keeps me from doing many normal things. I have panic attacks when I have to walk into a store alone. I don't have a driver's license. I have no job, and I rarely leave the house. The only friends I have outside of the internet are the ones I live with.

Anyone who has the same problem can and probably will tell you that it's like being in prison. It's not much of a life, really.

And even this news scared me to death and I immediately tried to come up with a multitude of reasons for why I couldn't go. I begged my friends to come with me. I realized something, though.


Two days on a bus with strangers both ways? Ummm...I DO need to read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince again before I see the movie!
No showers? .....Is it legal to wash your hair in the sink of a McDonald's bathroom? For the sake of personal hygiene, I'd do it.
Smelly bathroom? I only pee twice a day, and right now I couldn't be happier about that.

The point is that I can't hide forever. I need to live....even if it's just a little.

*Disclaimer: I have no drunken uncle, but I have one that acts like he is. He's awesome.


  1. I hope you decide to go and kick your anxiety's ass girl. I don't blame you for feeling indescisive, I would be terrified of being put in a vulnerable situation like that. But you may discover something about yourself.

    Besides, Danny wants you to go. ASAP.

  2. You go get'em!

    I know you always say you don't care about "going out there" but believe me there are too many good things. And life is too short to make up excuses. If you through it once, you will love the taste of it and want to experience it again.

    I know you can do it! I believe in you.

